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Yoongi's POV-

Twenty-six unheard voicemails sit in my blocked messages inbox along with thirty-seven missed calls.

Most of them being from a number that's been blocked and a few from numbers I don't even recognize.

She's probably enlisted her posse of she-devils to blow up my phone along with her.

She's not giving up. It's been hours since I left our meeting place and I assume when she didn't hear from me within these few hours to apologize after leaving her house, like I have countless times in the past, it might be clicking that this time is different.

I can see her now. Red faced, small frame shaking in anger as she paces around her living room, becoming more and more irate each time she hears the prompt to leave a message.

She can leave as many as she wants. I'm not going to hear them.

If I wasn't waiting for the kid to call I'd turn the goddamn thing off completely. Instead I am here staring at the device, watching as the number of received messages rises quickly.

After a few minutes pass it stops being entertaining to picture an angry Irene so I decide to call Yeol to see what the hell is taking so long.

I just want to know why I've been stuck waiting for essentially my employee to do what he was told.

After a few rings, he picks up.

"Yes?" He answers casually.

"Is he still there?"

"Yeah, why?"

I clench my jaw in annoyance, "Tell him to pick up his phone."

I immediately end the call and search for the kid's contact to type out a message.

The place isn't that big. Yeol can be long winded, especially when meeting new people, but a tour shouldn't take this damn long.

Shortly after hitting send I can see that he has read it.

I roll my eyes at how quickly he listened to Yeol but ignored my instructions.


"Am I going to have to contact Chanyeol every time I need to get ahold of you?" I drawl monotonously.

Jungkook pauses only for a second before answering back, sounding annoyed, "That won't be necessary."

He's got a bit of an attitude it seems. Brat.

"Good. Now then, he's shown you around?"

"He has."

"Before I continue, tell me what he has told you so far if you will so I know what I need to elaborate on and what doesn't need repeating."

"He told me that you were looking for someone to stay at your new place while you are out of town to let in the movers that will be coming this week.

"That I will need to be here in the afternoon to let them in when they bring your things from your previous place over and to, uh... basically to have someone here until you are back."

That's a very simplified version, but technically accurate.

"There are some gaps in what he's said so allow me to elaborate. I expect you to be there as much as possible. I made sure the guest room was set up for whoever would be watching the place before I left town so it would allow them to spend the night there as well.

"I have requested that the movers come in the afternoons to accommodate for the class schedule of the individual that was previously going to be doing this for me, but I can see about requesting an earlier time in the day if necessary," I offer more-so out of politeness, hoping it won't be necessary, before continuing on, "I assume you have your schedule? When are your classes?"

Complex  ||  YoonKook (Completed) ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang