"I don't need to know why, but you're upset," He pauses as his eyes move around my face. "Tell me to leave and I will, I just didn't think you wanted to be alone."

"I don't." I whisper.

I turn so I'm laying on my back and he does the same. I move a little closer to him and reach out to hold his hand that is rested on the bed between us.

I hate this. I hate how she does this to me. I haven't even seen her and I am already spiraling. But this time is different because I'm not worried for me...

"Thank you Kook." I sigh as I close my eyes.

The mix of emotions and lack of sleep from the night before finally catching up with me.

Jungkook's POV-

I don't know what that call was about but I've never seen him show so much emotion before.

He was so distraught and angry and maybe even... scared? I could have read that wrong though.

I turn on my side to look at him. His lips are pouted out and his previously furrowed brow is relaxed. He is just so beautiful.

While I'm looking at him I see a tear slide down his cheek to his hairline. I instinctively move my free hand up to gently wipe it away.

He was so upset earlier. Hm, earlier...

I smile as I start to remember what happened. What I wished would have played out longer.

"You were going to kiss me." I say under my breath as I continue to admire his features.

After a few minutes of silence he starts to mumble in his sleep before he turns on his side so he is face to face with me.

He brings himself closer as he continues to mumble and whimper in his sleep.

"Please.... Please...."

He is talking so softly that I'm doubting what I'm hearing. As I continue moving my eyes around his face I see his eyes open slowly before they meet mine.

"Please Kook."

"I won't let anything happen to you. I will protect you."

"Don't listen to her."

"Okay." I whisper back.

"Please don't leave."

"I won't. I promise."

I wish I knew what and who exactly we were talking about but he'll tell me when he's ready. I'm going to be patient and not pressure him.

"Don't make promises you can't keep Kook." He says as he closes his eyes and then he moves to cuddle into my chest as he falls asleep again.


Sunday came and Yoongi rarely left his studio.

He wouldn't talk to me. I would try to initiate a conversation or ask if I could do anything for him, on the rare occasion that he did leave to be in the same room as myself, but he would just hum in response or shake his head.

He stayed locked away all day and only came out to get a drink or get some water, other than that he was in the studio.

I thought that by evening he would be feeling better but he was still not himself. He was hyper focused on whatever he is working on but I think it was more about him wanting a distraction.

As the hours passed by and he was still in his studio I decided to get some projects started that were due next week. I was sitting on the couch with my laptop as he walked out of his studio with his blanket around his shoulders.

He walked past me, not sparing even a glance in my direction as he went around the corner and presumably to his bedroom as I heard a door shut.

Not long after I heard his door shut I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed my phone and called Chanyeol.

The phone rang and rang but it went to voicemail. Then I thought to call Hoseok so I tried him as well and he didn't answer either.

I was about to try Chanyeol again when I heard Yoongi's door open. Not long after he was standing by the end of the couch, the blanket no longer around his shoulders, with his hands in tight fists.

He was looking at the ground, the piano, out the window, everywhere but at me. I could tell he was uncomfortable.

"Will you please come with me... All I do is lay there and think, but I don't want to think. I just want to sleep."

"Of course I will." I nod, closing my laptop, setting it down on the couch beside where I was sitting before standing up to follow him.

He surprises me when he stretches his hand out for me to take, but I gladly lace my fingers with his and walk to his room with him.


I went to school today as normal. I walked to the first and last classes of my day with Tae, I was bored and distracted in each one but tried to pay attention and at the end of the day I got on the bus to go back to the apartment.

The day really went by like any other, but it was periodically marred with worry. As soon as my mind would wander from the lesson it would drift to Yoongi.

I'm worried about him.

I was relieved when he wasn't at the apartment when I got back. It was actually like a small weight had been taken off my shoulders.

I was hoping Yoongi wasn't there. Not because I didn't want to see him, I always want to see him, but because I thought it would be good if he got back into the swing of things. Went back into his routine after the weekend he had.

As far as I'm aware he slept well last night and I'm pretty sure he was asleep when I got up to get ready for class this morning.

I wanted to know how he was doing at work but I didn't want to bother him, so I thought I'd try Hoseok again.


"Jungkook, hello!"

"Where have you been?" I huff.

"I've been helping Chan with something. Anyway, what can I do for you?"

"I just want to know how Yoongi is doing. Is he okay? How is he feeling?"

"Oh, he's fine."

I scoff. "No he's not. What do you mean?"

"I mean he is in his studio right now. I just came from there. He seems fine. He actually has a song he's working on and it is quite good."

"He has a song because he spent all day yesterday locked in his studio! He isn't fine. I don't know what's going on, and it's none of my business I know, but keep an eye on him okay? Please?"

"W-well, I can't knock his creative process. All I know is the song sounds really great, but I will keep an eye on him."

"His creative process?! He was locked in a room by himself for almost twelve hours straight. He's upset!"

"All I know is that I just saw him and he seems fine."

Okay, what the hell. He can't be serious.

"You're not messing with me right now right?"

"No... of course not."


I honestly don't know what to say. What does he mean he's fine? They have known Yoongi for years, I haven't even known him a week and I know he isn't fine.

"Okay well I've got to go. Bye!"

I look at my phone after the call goes quiet to indeed confirm that it was ended. I don't understand.

He is absolutely not fucking fine.

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