Chapter 11 - Intruder

Start from the beginning

"Ask that Jesus freak to do it then!"

He didn't want to see me anymore. I nodded my head and left.

It was getting dark outside. I went to my house but I felt again as if someone was watching me. I looked around and I saw Daryl leaning against the wall of my house on my porch. I gasped.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. I quickly wiped away the tears from my face.

"Hey," he said, nodding his head slightly. His crossbow on his shoulder. He took a step towards me. "Can I come in?"

I shrugged my shoulder.

"Sure," I opened the door and let him in. It was extremely strange. What the hell is he doing here? And why was I not feeling anything?

He walked into the living room, put down the crossbow, and turned to me.

"I was talking to Carol. She told me something."

My eyes widened. What the actual fuck?! Carol told Daryl that I fell in love with Negan?! Why would she do that?! I started to feel uneasy, then I realized... I got scared.

"You... you came to kill me?" I asked. My voice was shaking. Now Daryl made a surprised face.

"What? No. Why would you think that?"

"Because... Nevermind... Why are you here?" I asked, my voice still shaking.

"Quinn, I'm not gonna hurt ya," he said showing me his hands, that he has no weapon. Well, you did hurt me for long years, I thought. But that wasn't his fault, it was mine.

"Why are you here?" I asked again this time a little more confidently.

"Is it true? That you fell in love with Negan?" he asked.

I was right. Carol told him. My only friend betrayed me.

"She... she betrayed me," I said through gritted teeth, tears in my eyes because of anger and disappointment.

"No one betrayed you. Carol was worried. She asked me to check on you."

"Why didn't she come? She..." I knew the answer as soon as I asked it. She sent Daryl because she thought if I talk to him, maybe I will get distracted from Negan, start feeling something when I see Daryl or something like that. I held my forehead, I closed my eyes. Tears rolled down my cheek.

"Look, I know I was a jerk to you. I know I should have noticed how you felt... but I... I don't think about... romance... ever," he said it like he was thinking hard about each word or it caused him pain to say that.

"This has nothing to do with you, Daryl!" I said irritably.

"I know I said you should find someone better than me, but that's bullshit!" he said. "You can't be in love with that bastard!"

♪ I looked at him fiercely with tears in my eyes because of anger.

"You have nothing to do with this," I repeated myself through gritted teeth. He took a step towards me awkwardly.

"Don't do this, Quinn," he said. Negan said exactly the same thing.

"What am I doing that everyone says this to me?! I don't do anything!"

I took a step back.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I wish I had feelings for you, but... I still care about you... like family."

I fell in love with the devil |The Walking Dead| NeganxOC |CarolxDarylWhere stories live. Discover now