He asked if I had hired him to watch my house for me after I spoke with him, keeping in mind what Joon has told me about their past to which I told him that no, I had not.

I explained that Yeol was the one who offered to find someone to replace his friend that had to back out of the job and it happened to be a boy on his floor on campus.

I informed Joon about the fire and how Kook lost his dorm room but that it worked out because Yeol hadn't found anyone to replace Baek yet and Kook needed a place to stay.

I told him that I had spoken with Kook on the phone but hadn't seen him until after I came back.

That as soon as he walked into my living room I recognized him not only from the café but also as the person from the picture.

I told him I had tried to call him that afternoon to ask the name of the boy from Busan because I just couldn't fathom that this complicated connection was actually happening.

When he didn't answer I thought to call Jin and he confirmed it was him. After that I went back into my apartment to speak again with Kook about the options I had in mind for how the two of them would proceed now that I was back in the city.

I broke down the first of the options I'd had in mind, letting Joon in on my idea to get Kook moved out that day and put him up in either a hotel or another dorm on campus.

Either way I wasn't planning on him staying any longer, but then I talked to him and got to know him and my plans changed.

That he is still staying at my place as I did still need someone there while I was going to be gone during the day preparing for this meeting and Hobi and Yeol so kindly pointed out to me that I wouldn't be able to do much from home like I had thought I could anyway, so he was going to stay through the week.

Then I shared that my plans changed again as the idea was planted in my mind to have him be my assistant.

He looked surprised when I said that, so I took that as a sign that Jin had not told him about that part and left it to me to break the news.

"What did he say when you made the offer?"

"At first he wanted to take some time to think about the job as well as the options I gave him of paying for him stay elsewhere. When I had brought it up some time later to see if he had made a decision he accepted the job.

"He is still going to finish out the week at the apartment, but hopefully next week Yeol will have some time to help him get an idea of what I'd like done and he can answer any questions he has."

He finishes the bite of food in his mouth before he asks with slightly furrowed brows. "Will he be living with you?"

I can tell he didn't like that idea and I don't blame him.

I think he shares my same sentiment that it's probably not the most ethical idea to live with your assistant.

Especially one you're attracted to, not that he knows or needs to know about that little development.

I let him know that I plan on purchasing a unit a few floors below mine that he would be living in.

I have yet to tell Kook, but I have a walk through with the realtor scheduled this Saturday for us to take a look at it.

"That's very kind of you. Thank you for helping him. I feel terrible that I couldn't be the one to do this when he needed it..." He hangs his head with a guilty look on his face.

At this point we have finished our food and he is leaning forward on his chair as I explain the circumstances of this situation we find ourselves in.

He brings his palms up to rub his eyes as he says, "I should have been the one to help him," before looking back at me, "But I am glad that somehow it worked out that you crossed paths with him when you did.

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