"It's not a problem. What is it?"

"My friend, Tae, is upset and needs a place to stay tonight. He was wondering if he could sleep here."

"Has he asked Jin?"

"Yes- wait, how do you know about Jin and Tae?" I ask but as soon as the sentence leaves my mouth I'm pretty certain I know the answer.

He's quiet until saying in a quieter tone "Namjoon."

"Of course." I let out a sigh. "And yes, he did talk to him, he told Tae that he would be out until late."

"Would he stay in your room with you?"

"Yes, he would. I'm pretty sure I can just keep him in there without any trouble."

"I probably will be back before midnight tonight, but I would just be going to my room anyway to get to sleep because it's an early meeting tomorrow. I'd imagine I would leave before either of you wake up as well. You don't have class tomorrow, correct?"

"No I don't and neither does he."

He sighs, "If he really has nowhere to go, that is okay with me. Just keep him in with you as much as you can."

"Okay! I will and thank you."

"No problem Kook."

This time I cut the line first, immediately calling Tae back to tell him he's fine to come over.

He told me he was downstairs so he would head up. I should have known he would already be here.

A few minutes later I hear a light knock on the door.

I walk over to get it unlocked and open it to reveal a puffy cheeked, red eyed Kim Taehyung on my doorstep.

As soon as he sees me his lip starts to quiver and he tosses the bag he was holding just inside the door frame before walking the few steps to close the gap between us.

Once I'm within reach he wraps his arms around my neck and rests his head on my shoulder. I bring my arms around him as well and start walking backwards with him still holding onto me tightly.

He kicks his slides off by the door and lifts his head off my shoulder so he's face to face with me.

"You know that I am so thankful for you right? That I love you and Chim so much?" He asks with teary eyes.

"Of course Tae. We know that. I know that." I smile softly.

"Can we turn off all the lights and look at the Christmas lights?"

That's what we have officially started to call the city lights as it gets darker outside.

Christmas lights.

I smile at his cute, childlike pout as I nod.

It's not very dark yet, the sun will be going down soon enough though so I will do as he wishes.

I send him to the couch while I retrieve my comforter from my room for us to curl up in.

I come back into the room carrying the big blanket to see Tae seated in the middle of the couch with his knees pulled up to his chest.

Complex  ||  YoonKook (Completed) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now