I told him countless times that the owner has told me I don't need to decorate or arrange anything, but he argues that the owner can't be upset if we "elevate the aesthetic" as he put it.

So I just let him do what he wanted, picking up and placing things where he said to.

After the interior designing was finished and they were getting ready to go I made sure to take Tae back into the bathroom while Jimin ordered the car so he could give me a quick lesson on how to work the shower.

The lesson was not turning out to be quick as he kept going on about how lucky I was to have such a nice shower instead of what I would have had in the dorms.

I agreed, it is better than what I would have had, but a fancy shower is only nice when you know how to use it.

When it started getting a bit too complicated I stopped him to ask for just the basics on how to control the main shower head as that was all I really cared about.

He reluctantly did so after grumbling about how I didn't deserve such a nice thing if I wasn't even going to use it in its entirety.

After my lesson I walked them both to the door, thanked them again for the food and the drinks, before sending them down to catch their ride. As soon as they left I headed into the bathroom to take a much anticipated, normal shower.

After my shower I threw on a hoodie with some sweatpants before making my way back to the table to clean up the empty containers and bags off the table.

Just as I was about done filling the plastic bags with the trash I heard the door unlock.

I step away from the table to get a better view of the door and am met with a very tired looking Yoongi.

He steps through the door, letting out a loud yawn as he ruffles his hand through his dark hair as he turns to shut and lock the door.

Once he's done that he finally turns around and notices me standing by the table.

"Mother fuck!" He yells, dropping his jacket and keys he had been holding. "How long have you been standing there?"

I start laughing loudly at his expression. "Did you not notice all the lights were on? And for someone so concerned about security I'm surprised it took so long for you to look around."

"Quiet you brat. I had a long day and the door was locked. What kind of thief would lock the door after breaking in? Plus, you should be glad I trust your abilities to the extent that I'm not worried about a burglary." He says with a pout and a bit of blush on his cheeks.

He looks like a child. So cute.

I continue to laugh. "If that is the case then I am glad that you have so much faith in my abilities after such a short time."

"I mean look at you. I'm sure it'd be pretty easy for you to overpower someone." His eyes widen as he realizes what he's said and quickly changes the subject.

"I see the table came. And that you've made good use of it. What else was moved in today?" He asks as he turns towards the living room.

"I also see the movers were kind enough to lay out the rug and put the chairs in place. Hope they don't charge extra for that." He comments as he puts his hands in his pockets and walks further into the room.

I decide to indulge him for now and talk about the furniture, but I didn't miss that little comment he's trying to cover up.

"Yes, nice of them right? They said this was a trial room but if you like the style they can do the rest of the place for a discounted rate." I tease back.

Complex  ||  YoonKook (Completed) ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon