Sleepover 🔥

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I slide my finger tips over his chest and swirl my thumbs over and around his nipples. He sighs in satisfaction as he watches my hands run over his body before he steps towards me, putting his arm around my waist while his other hand cups my cheek.

He pulls me as close as he can and gives me a short but lustful kiss before pulling back.

We stare at each other like the other's a meal we've been craving for as he says, hot breath fanning my lips "I missed this Koo" before we reconnect our lips for a much more rough kiss.

He nibbles my bottom lip and I gladly part my lips to let his tongue massage mine.

This is another activity, a tradition, that's become synonymous with the first weekend before school starts.

Jimin doesn't know about this one.

It's been Tae and I's secret since Sophomore year started.

*Flashback- Beginning of Sophomore Year Sleepover*

There's always someone in a friend group that notoriously passes out first when they get drunk.

For us, that person is Jimin.

Tae and I are the more nocturnal friends in our little trio naturally. We don't sleep as easily as he does when sober and have the same trouble when we're tipsy too.

This sleepover was going the same as always, we weren't tired because we hadn't had more than a few sips of one of the Soju Jimin stole from his fridge at home, but Jimin drank most of the alcohol he'd brought and passed out long ago.

Tae and I started talking and when we're tipsy like this, just the two of us, our talks can get serious. It's usually the case when we're stone cold sober as well.

Contrary to most people's impressions of him, Tae has a very complex way of thinking and enjoys deep conversations. You just have to be interested enough to engage him in one.

At one point we were talking about our crushes and I told him that I was really unsure because I didn't know who I should like.

With much hesitation I told him I was having trouble choosing between two people.

That I didn't know if I should go along with most of the other boys in school and say I liked Joy, the effortlessly pretty, over achieving Junior, or tell the truth and admit that I liked the mysterious, hot senior, Woozi.

I thought Tae would judge me for liking a boy but instead he said that he was having that problem as well. He couldn't pick just one crush, one of his candidates also being a boy.

Then that brought us to talking about how we even knew if we liked boys. We had both kissed girls before and I thought it was okay, nothing special, but neither of us had kissed a boy before.

I guess I had technically kissed Jin, but I didn't really consider it to be anything besides an awful, embarrassing experience as a whole.

I couldn't even recall how it felt really because I didn't have time to think about the kiss afterwards. Only the emotional trauma.

So when Tae made the comment that there was no way to compare one to the other if you haven't experienced both, I agreed with him.

I didn't have a comparable kiss with a boy to use to determine if it was better or fell short of the ones I'd had with girls.

He suggested that we could be each other's first boy kiss.

"For research purposes" as he put it, and I wanted it. I wanted a real kiss.

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