He starts laughing, "So you like him huh?"

"He's great, Chan! I was there for like, eight hours today and I don't think there was ever an awkward moment. It was a blast! He gets my stamp of approval wholeheartedly!"

"Yes Hobi, he is very likable." He laughs, "Did you call me just to talk about how dreamy Jungkook is or...."

"Okay, fine. I called because we need to get Yoongi to keep him."

He continues to laugh in amusement, "I think I understand what you're trying to say, but please elaborate."

"Yoongi told me that he has no intention to meet Jungkook. We need to change his mind. Jungkook is a drastically different person than the shitty people that have come and gone over the years and I know he hasn't hooked up or dated anyone in-"

"You think we can get Min Yoongi to change his mind about something? Really?" Chan says with heavy sarcasm.

"I don't think I can, but I am very confident that you can. You are his closest friend. He will listen to you. I'm not saying they have to fall in love, but Yoongi needs someone like Jungkook around."

"I know he does."

"I understand the hesitation but just- wait, you do?"

"Yes, I completely agree with you. Although, I don't think he should be dating or anything like that with anyone right now as he just broke things off with Irene. I think he needs time to remember who he is again.

"To remember he's not all those terrible things she constantly accused him of being. I wasn't planning on setting them up to date. I have something else entirely in mind. So let me share with you the idea I plan to pitch to Yoongi.

"He has been needing an assistant for months and he refuses to find someone. I want to bring the subject up again and suggest that it be Jungkook. I think they would work and compliment each other well.

"I already know that on the off chance he even entertains the idea he is going to call into question the ethics of having Jungkook live with him while being so intimately involved with his daily life.

"I haven't quite worked out how we could resolve that along with any other questions I am sure he will ask, but I agree with you. He needs someone like Jungkook on his side."

"Are you not his assistant?" The question comes out sounding a little patronizing, which is not intentional.

It's just that Chan does so much shit for Yoongi that I really just assumed he was.

He laughs again,"I've sure been acting like one haven't I. But no I'm not. I'm just a friend that helps him. I don't have much time to do everything he requires though and he fails to see that his life could run so much more smoothly if he had someone dedicated to managing his schedule for him. Plus do whatever else he needs done.

"I've been trying to iron it out so it is a more solid pitch, as well as find time to speak with Jungkook, but I think if we could swing it, this would work out well."

"You are light years ahead of where I am! I just had the idea that we need to try to extend his stay at Yoongi's or something so Yoongi would be forced to stop being an asshole and talk to him. But your plan is even better than I could have ever come up with! It's such a great idea."

"I'm glad you approve Hobi! I will also let you know that the plan has already been started unknowingly by Jungkook himself. He had a call with Yoongi to go over what the expectations were for him to do while staying there and from what Jungkook told me about the call, it sounds like Yoongi already likes him.

"I was completely surprised and Jungkook said he didn't think he said or did anything out of the ordinary or off topic with the call so he didn't know why that would be the case."

"I don't think Jungkook realizes how likable he is." I smile. "What did Yoongi do? How do you know he likes him?"

"Yoongi is going to pay Jungkook nine thousand won hourly instead of the eight thousand eight hundred he was going to give Baek.

"For any college kid just moving to Seoul it would be hard to find something paying even eight thousand eight hundred so the original amount would have been more than enough. I couldn't understand why he felt compelled to increase it.

"I asked Yoongi about it and he said a rounded number would be simpler to account for and left it at that. I can't figure it out. I don't think I've ever seen or heard of him giving money to someone solely for their personal benefit.

"I've considered how he likes donating to charities and causes so he maybe viewed this as falling under that scope, but I can't recall him ever doing something like that for a single individual. Not to mention a stranger. Can you?"

"He really did that? And no I can't say in my years of knowing him I have ever heard of him doing that. Hmm." I hum. "Maybe this won't take quite as much convincing as we thought."

"I don't want to get ahead of myself, but I agree. It is going pretty smoothly so far."

After a short pause in the conversation I stifle a yawn.

"I'm glad we had the same impressions of Jungkook. I am also glad you have a solid plan instead of just a thought like I did. If you need me to do anything let me know. I for sure am going to be telling Yoongi how much I liked him and how much fun I had with him today." I say, suddenly feeling very sleepy.

"Go ahead and let him know but don't be discouraged if he comes off as brushing you off. You do get along with everyone so it's not uncommon for you to make friends quickly."

"You're one to talk!" I scoff. "Besides, that may be true, but I got really good vibes from Jungkook." I say, stifling another yawn.

"Make sure to relay that to him then. Alright, don't think I haven't heard those yawns you're trying to hide Hobi. I'll let you get some sleep. Good talking to you as always sunshine." He said with a smile in his voice.

"Night Chan!" I smile before I end the call.

Yoongi doesn't have to fall in love with Jungkook, but we're gonna help him see that he needs him.

"We'll see how it goes I guess." I sigh under my breath as I snuggle further into my blankets.

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