"He really trusts you with everything doesn't he. Why is that? If you don't mind me asking."

"Yoongi and I have known each other a long time. We have both been through some really low lows in our lives. He helped me through mine and vice versa. I was there for him when he got out of a very mentally and emotionally abusive relationship. In turn, he was there for me when I lost the opportunity of a lifetime and was devastated.

"I was spiraling so fast, but he was there to sympathize with me and help me navigate my emotions. He is one of my dearest friends. He trusts me because he knows me and where my heart is at.

"I'm a nice person so some people think of me as a pushover or weak, but I'm very good at reading situations as well as people. If something doesn't feel right or I think something would turn out negatively in the long run, I'm quick to speak up.

"He trusts me because he knows he is like a brother to me. I wouldn't do anything to or for him knowing it would hurt him. That trust goes both ways."

"That's amazing! Some people never find a relationship like you and he have. Now I understand a little better why he let you pick me as your friend's replacement to stay here," I smile softly at him. "I know you vouched for me and I promise to not give him any reason to not trust me. I may even get him to like me!"

He laughs his melodious cheerful laugh I've become accustomed to before he says, "I can see that happening! I'll give you some quick advice that will make a world of difference. He values honesty.

"Tell him what you're feeling and thinking straight up and you will gain a lot of points with him. If you're able to get far enough on his good side, it will help your chances with getting him to extend your stay." He says with hopeful smile.

Extending my stay, that reminds me. "I actually have something to ask you about my stay here."

"Oh yeah? What is it?"

"You never mentioned I would get paid for it."

His face drains of color as his eyebrows shoot upwards, "I didn't?! Shit, I'm so sorry. I must have been so preoccupied and excited that you even agreed to do it and to tell Yoongi I found someone that it totally slipped my mind.

"I'm so dumb. I'm sorry. I promise I didn't do it on purpose. How could I forget about one million one hundred and twenty-six won?!"

"W-wait, how much?"

"Yeah. He was matching what Baek's hourly pay was at his current job..." He looks at me with confusion before it turns to an anxious stare, "Oh no, did he tell you a different number?"

"He told me it would be one million one hundred and fifty-two thousand..." I say, just as confused. "He told me about matching your friend's monthly wages, but with that number you said the amount should be eight thousand and eight hundred per hour. I'll be getting nine thousand."

I look at the ground in front of me puzzled. "Why would he give me more?"

I look back up to see Chanyeol already looking at me with a small smirk on his face, "I don't know how you did it, but I would say that you may already be on Yoongi's good side. As I said, I know him very well, and I have no idea why he would have done that.

"For someone he's never met, no less. One thing I do know is that it doesn't have anything to do with me recommending you. This has to be about something you did that sat well with him."

He pauses, still trying to analyze his friend's behavior. "When I saw your reaction I was thinking he must have offered you less. I am just as surprised as you."

"It's good news I guess, right?" I laugh awkwardly.

"The best news! He doesn't like many people. Tolerates them sure, but doesn't usually like them."

I nod, trying to think back to what I might have said when we'd spoken those whole two phone calls that could have caused him to do this.

Instead my mind brings up a few things Yoongi had said that I need to ask Chanyeol about as well as a question of my own.

"Since we're talking about him, he actually told me to see if I can get a key from you. And give you my banking information to transfer half the amount to."

"Oh, I have them on the key ring I brought up to get us in today. Let me go grab it." He moves to stand up and I do the same, following him around the island to where the keys are laying.

When he picks up the ring and separates two keys from the rest I'm a little confused.

"There are two keys?"

"Yeah," He says, silent for a moment as he slides them off the ring before handing each to me one at a time. "This one is for the dead bolt, this one is for the doorknob."

Once they were both in my hands I can clearly see the shapes of the keys are different, which will make it much easier to differentiate between the two.

I quickly give him my bank information as well and he was able to get the amount transferred right then from his phone.

He even has access to Yoongi's bank account. I wouldn't give Tae or Jimin that information.

Chanyeol and Yoongi really are close.

"Thank you!" I look up at him with a big smile.

I think this must be the first big smile I've shown since meeting Chanyeol judging by the way he stares at my smile and studies my wrinkled eyes while he chuckles.

He slowly brings his finger up to poke my right cheek saying a quiet "Cute" before he turns his attention back to his keys to straighten out the remaining keys that were left askew on the ring.

My smile shrinks a little as I remember my other question I had for him.

One that really, really puzzled me from my call earlier.

"Why does Yoongi have a studio?"

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