"No problem and no..." I pause before continuing, "I'm sorry, who is this?"

"Oh sorry, this is Chanyeol. Park Chanyeol. I'm the RA for the floor you'll be staying on. Dorm B1306 right?"

Now this is freaking me out. Who the hell does this guy think he is?

He really just expects me to confirm personal information over the phone to him just cause he claims to be someone from the college?

"Why are you calling me?" I ask back, no longer attempting to hide the annoyance in my tone.

"W-Well I was... I'm checking on all the freshmen that'll be moving onto the floor this semester... To insure the year starts off the best it can by making myself available and um, introducing myself."

I sit completely silent with my brows pulled together. This sounds like a load of bullshit to me.

"Hey, are you there?" Chanyeol asks with a hint of panic.

"Yeah." I reply flatly.

"O-okay well it sounds like your pretty busy so I'll let you get back to... that."


"One more thing before you go though, when you get here make sure you stop at my room before going to yours. To check in and all that."

"Yeah. Sure."

"Room Bo212. Okay bye." Chanyeol adds before ending the line.

I slowly pull the phone away from my ear and stare at it in confusion before lifting my gape forward to see Jimin already looking at me.

"Who was it?" He asks with a raised brow.

"My RA apparently?" I answer, still unsure if the conversation I just had was real or if I'm still asleep and dreamed it. "At least that's what he said."

"Well we're not too far from the campus now. You'll get to meet him soon enough." Tae says with a grin, sounding annoyingly positive.

I just nod as I move my eyes to look out the window. Watching as buildings and cars zoom passed until a question comes into my mind.

"Has your RA called you?" I turn back to look at Tae in the mirror before looking at Jimin. "Either of you?"

"We don't have one of those." Tae states. "There's like, a property manager person I guess, but I haven't spoken with them."

Shit that's right, I totally forgot. Tae and Jimin are lucky enough to not have to stay in any dorms.

Tae's grandma owns a small condo near the college that she lets her grandkids stay in while enrolled in University, so that's where they'll be living.

"Spoiled brats." I mumble.

"I don't really know what RAs do as I have never been one, but it could be a legit thing they do for freshmen. I don't think checking in on first time college students sounds that weird." Jimin offers, trying to be optimistic.

"I guess, but you didn't hear the guy. He sounded nervous and just... off," I say while replaying the call in my mind.

"We were planning on helping you take your stuff to your dorm and get you settled anyway so we can go with you to check in with the weird guy as well." Tae smiles.

"Thanks." I say with a grateful smile before turning my attention back out my window.


The notification sounds through the car speakers, interrupting the music as Jimin gets a text.

"What the hell?! That scared the shit out of me!" Tae says, knuckles white with how tight his grip is on the wheel.

"Sorry I thought it was on vibrate!" Jimin apologizes while unlocking the phone and opening the message.

"Ji- he just texted and said they unpacked most of the car at the condo but he had to leave before they finished to take..." he pauses as I look down at my phone, pretending not to be listening in, before he continues in a quieter voice, "The other him to his studio."

I had to hold in a laugh at his wording. Oh Jimin-ssi, what a good friend you are but so terrible at whispering.

Wait... studio?

I wonder if Namjoon is working on a another alb-

No, no I do not care. Nope not one bit. I try to affirm to myself shaking my head a little to rid myself of the thought.

"He is now headed over to the restaurant to visit his brother and said to text him when we are leaving campus so he can meet us back at the condo." Jimin finished whispering to Tae, although I obviously heard every word loud and clear.

"Okay sounds good." Tae answers back with a quick nod. "We're just a few blocks away now."

Great. Awesome. Can't wait.

Complex  ||  YoonKook (Completed) ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora