Part 7 - Lost in the wild

Start from the beginning

He lifted her legs over his own and pulled her into his lap, hoping she would calm down a little faster like that. When she was still using the broken miraculous, that had always helped her to feel better.

Luckily he was right, her coughing became less and she started to breathe the air in deeper as only a moment before.

"Are you feeling a little better?", he asked full of concern. He felt a little relieved when she nodded.

Gabriel placed her back on the stump, stood up and took off his backpack, then he helped her out of hers. He unfolded his blanket and laid it on her legs.

"You stay where you are and get a little more rest, while I try to find an easier way back to the hotel", he ordered.

Too weak to argue, the assistant just gave in and nodded again. The designer raised his eyebrows. She never gave in that fast. He'd better hurry. He didn't even know, how long they had been walking, he only knew, they had started at eight and from what he could tell by looking at the sky, it wasn't even noon. But it was difficult to tell, because the sky was filled with dark rain clouds, and he was hoping, that they at least would find a place to stay dry, if it really would start to rain.

After walking a few minutes into each direction, returning after every walk to see, how Nathalie was doing, he finally found a little opening in a rock face. As the only way back was the one they had taken up here, or the one the path followed further on, they probably would be forced to seek shelter there, because it was already really stormy and he had felt a few rain drops on his face the last time he walked in the open, without the branches of the trees above his head.

He knelt down in front of Nathalie and laid his hands on her legs.

"It's starting to rain. I found a place, where we can seek shelter, until this storm is over, but I am not sure, if I can carry you all the way. Do you think, you can walk a little more?"

"I'll try", she responded and tried to stand up. The concerned man supported her arm and helped her to get on her feet. Then he led her towards the tiny cave.

Soon the rain was falling heavier and they both were soaked through, before they could reach the dry spot. Gabriel had taken his assistant into his arms and carried her the last few hundred meters. Eventually they both ended up lying on the dirty ground in the cave, gasping for air and shivering from the cold.

Gabriel opened his backpack and handed her one of the blankets.

"Here, get out of the wet clothes and wrap yourself into that."

"What about you?", she asked, as she saw him, spreading the other blanket on the ground for them to sit on.

"I am okay, but if you keep your wet clothes on, you will get even sicker and I won't let that happen."

She did as he told her. Then she looked at him. "I can see that you're cold. You're shaking. Get out of your own wet clothes and take your blanket, or at least let's share this one." She blushed at the thought, but held his gaze. He nodded in agreement and said:

"Okay, but you have to close your eyes."

"Oh, suddenly you're the shy one?", she teased.

He scoffed. "I just didn't want to tempt you!", he gave back.

She closed her eyes with a smirk, while he took of his clothes. Then he turned his back towards her and leaned against her so she knew he was finished undressing and she could let him under the cover with her.

Thanks to the other blanket and the foliage on the cave floor, they had a soft place to lay on. So they lied down, Gabriel spooning her, his arms holding her close, when he finally felt comfortable enough to talk again.

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