Chapter 67

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Adrienne's POV 

"Come on." Gran said, pulling on my hand and dragging me down the corridor.

"Gran, stop." I told her, pulling her to a stop. "What are we doing?"

"Just trust me Adrienne."

"No Gran, please, am I dead?"

"Oh sweety." She whispered, hugging me. "Please trust me."

I wanted to trust her but I ws scared. I didn't want to die. I didn't want to be dead, I still had so much I wanted to do.

"I'm scared." I whispered.

She smiled at me and touched my cheek. "Don't be."

She led me down the corridor again and I followed, glancing into rooms again, seeing people everywhere again.

Gran stopped at a door.

"Ready?" She asked.

Ready, ready for what?

I wanted to tell her that I wasn't ready, I'd never be ready, nope I wasn't ready.

"Adrienne it's okay."

I nodded and we stepped into a waiting room.

I looked around. Matt, Amelia and Zack were sitting there. Matt had his head in his hands and Amelia and Zack were talking to him.

"We need to stay positive Matt." Amelia said.

Matt didn't put his head up, he didn't acknowledge Amelia at all.

"She'll pull through this surgery just like she did the last."

Oh, I wasn't dead yet, I was in surgery.

I looked at Gran, she nodded and smiled.

"This is like a waiting room Rie." Gran said quietly. "We're waiting."

"Waiting for what?"

"Why to see if you live or die baby girl."

I looked back at Matt. I didn't want to die, I didn't want to leave Matt.

"Matt please." Amelia cried.

He put his head up and looked at her. He looked so sad, so upset.

I couldn't help myself, I walked over to him, bending down to look at him.

I reached out and touched his face.

"He can't see you." Gran whispered.

"I know."

I knew he couldn't see me, but I just wanted to touch him, be near him.

"Matt." I whispered. "Please remember that I love you, I love you with all of my heart."

Suddenly he lifted his head and looked at me, only he wasn't looking at me, he couldn't see me.

"Oh god Adrienne please don't die. I love you and I can't live without you." He cried.

I took a step back. It was like he knew I was there.

"Come." Gran said, grabbing my hand again.

She pulled me out the door and back into the corridor once again.

"Oh baby girl." She said hugging me.

I was crying and I wasn't even aware.

"It hurts me to see him hurting." I cried.

She nodded and smiled at me.

"Do you see yet?"

Did I see yet? Did I see what?

"What, what am I meant to see Gran, because I'm not seeing anything."

"Okay, well let's go."

And once again she guided me down the corridor.

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