Chapter 69

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Matt's POV 

I was sitting with Adrienne, just holding her hand. I'd been here maybe an hour when all hell broke loose.

I was talking to her, about shit really, when one of the machines made a beeping noise, that was it, one little beep. I looked at it but lets be honest, I had no idea what any of this shit meant.

"Adrienne." I said, maybe a little harshly. That beep had scared me and a minute later I realised I had every right to be scared.

As I sat there high pitched alarms started screeching from the machines. As I stood up the door opened and people came running in.

This was it, she was actually dying, I was actually going to watch her die.

"Adrienne." I yelled. "Enough is enough, stop it."

I felt someone put their arm around me and lead me out the door. I didn't want to leave, I wanted to stay with her. I wouldn't let her die, she wasn't allowed too.

I got dumped in a waiting room, for how long, I don't know but Amelia and Zack arrived.

Amelia took one look at me and knew something was wrong. She started crying and Zack basically carried her to seat. I should've cared but I didn't, Adrienne needed all my energy, she needed my attention not Amelia.

She couldn't die, I wouldn't let her, no fucking way was she dying.

Finally someone came in and let us know what was going on.

"We're taking her back to surgery, there's more bleeding."

I took a deep breath. It felt like I'd been holding my breath this whole time.

At least she was still alive.

"Matt what are we going to do?" Amelia cried.

"Wait and when she gets better I'll take her home."

It was right then that I realised how much I loved Adrienne, I really loved her, loved her with all my heart and I didn't want to live without her.

I put my head down, I was willing her to live.

"We need to stay positive Matt."

I really wished she'd be quite.

"She'll pull through this surgery just like she did the last."

She really needed to shut up.

"Matt please."

I raised my head and looked at her. What did she expect from me.

Suddenly as I sat there I was overcome by a strange sensation, like all of my breath was sucked out of me. And I heard her, clear as day, I heard Adrienne's voice.
Matt, please remember that I love you, I love you with all of my heart.

The voice came from in front me and as I looked there I had a horrible feeling that she'd died, she'd died and she was saying goodbye.

"Oh god Adrienne, please don't die. I love you and I can't live without you."

"Matt." Amelia cried. "Matt what's wrong?"

I couldn't answer her, I felt like I'd just lost the most important person in my life and I just couldn't speak.

I put my face in my hands and I cried silently. I stayed like that until the door opened and someone entered.

"The surgery went well, wait ten minutes and you can go in."

"She's not dead?" I asked.

The nurse shook her head and left.

"What is wrong with you Matthew." Amelia snapped at me.

How could I explain what had happened. I heard Adrienne, I know I heard Adrienne, she had been in this room with me, I just knew it.

I sat there and waited and as soon as they said it was okay I went straight into that room.

She was laying there, still attached to the machines, looking no different.

I walked over and took her hand. I kissed her forehead, I kissed her cheeks.

"Baby I swear." I whispered in her ear. "I swear we will never spend another moment away from eachother. I love you baby, I'll always love you."

I kissed her forehead again and smiled down at her. I knew she'd heard me, and somehow I just knew everything was going to be okay.

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