Chapter 21

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This Monday morning, nothing seems typical.

Harry overslept and he is in a rush. He can't find any clean clothes so he ends up wearing some old sweatpants and a hoodie. His hair is a mess and when he arrives to Niall's house, the first thing Niall notices is that something isn't right with Harry. 

"You're late," Niall decides to comment once Harry has stepped inside.

"Sorry," Harry mutters, refusing to look at Niall.

Harry is in a bad mood and it's quite easy to tell. Niall immediately notices it, knitting his brows and thinking what could possibly be wrong with Harry. He quickly reasons it must have something to do with what happened yesterday and he blushes, shrugging the thought off.

"Aisling and Lou are eating breakfast," Niall tells to Harry.

"Okay." And with that, Harry walks pass Niall and goes to the kitchen without giving Niall a single look.

Niall feels confused. He has no idea what is up with Harry and he starts wondering if Harry is bothered by Louis being here. He quickly realises that could be it and thinks maybe he should try talking to Harry after he gets back home from work.

"I'm leaving now!" Niall shouts.

"Bye daddy!" He hears Aising yelling.

"Bye Ni!" That's Louis.

Niall waits to hear another shout but it never happens so he sighs, thinking he has to talk with Harry.

Harry has been around for two hours and Louis is already convinced Harry hates him. He has no idea why, they don't even know each others and yet, Harry seems extremely cold towards Niall's best friend.

Harry only talks to Aisling and occasionally he might say a word or two to Louis. Things remain the same until it's time for Aisling's nap. Harry knows it will get even more awkward when the little girl isn't around because he needs to be alone with Louis.

Harry tells Louis he will put Aisling to bed and Louis only nods, not bothering to disagree with Harry. While he is away, Louis pulls out his phone and sends a message to Niall, asking if he knows if something is wrong with Harry.

Louis doesn't even realise Harry has got back, he wakes back to reality when he hears Harry going around the kitchen, possibly making some coffee.

"Are you making coffee?" Louis asks after stepping inside the kitchen. Harry's back is turned on Louis and he only nods.

"Could you make enough for me too?" Louis hesitantly asks and sits down on the table.


Harry knows he is acting a bit rudely but he is trying, he really is trying. He can't help the way he feels, he is hurt and slightly angry too. He still thinks how it's odd that Niall has never mentioned Louis. He wonders if something is up, a bang of jealousy hitting his chest as he tries to shrug the thoughts off.

Once the coffee is ready, Harry pours it into two mugs and hands the other one to Louis. He sits down, making sure he isn't directly opposite of Louis because it would simply be awkward, considering he has no interest looking at the Doncaster lad.

"How do you know Niall?" Harry suddenly asks because he is curious to know. It is also the only thing he could come up with so he decided to just go for it. 

"Oh we go way back, we met at a summer camp and then I did an exchange year in high school and stayed with Niall's family," Louis explains with a smile on his face and Harry feels a bit sick. Summer camp, what a cliche, he thinks and starts hoping there is absolutely nothing going on between Niall and Louis.

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