Chapter 18

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On Sunday morning, Harry wakes up way earlier than he needs to. Normally, he enjoys sleeping a bit later since it's the weekend but this morning everything seems different.

Since it's only nine o'clock, he needs to be quiet so he doesn't wake Liam up. Zayn has stayed the night so Harry wants to be extra careful, he knows how much Liam hates waking up to certain noises like Harry cooking breakfast.

He tiptoes to downstairs after taking a long shower, thinking now that he is downstairs he doesn't need to be that quiet. Sometimes, living with a roommate is frustrating and Harry hopes he would have a house of his own. Then again, living with your best friend is great, especially since Harry and Liam get along so well.

He sighs, sitting on the kitchen counter and wondering what he should make for breakfast. He starts thinking about going out for breakfast, it's been a while since he has done that. Since it's Sunday and there's really nothing better to do, he might as well go out by himself and get some breakfast.

Suddenly, a thought crosses his mind. He knows Niall won't be picking up Aisling until afternoon and he is almost certain Niall wakes up really early, even on the weekends. He wants to text the Irish man and ask Niall to join him for breakfast, but he feels nervous.

After minutes of thinking, Harry decides to man up and go for it. He wanders back upstairs to his bedroom, spotting his phone on his night stand. He grabs it, opening the message app and quickly typing in something before sending the message.

Morning Charles! I was thinking about going out for breakfast. Want to join me?

He knows it's a bit risky, there is a big chance Niall won't say yes and Harry knows it. Yet, he hopes Niall will say yes, especially after what happened on yesterday.

He still thinks he shouldn't take it as a big deal, they only held hands during a movie and they didn't even hug when Niall left. Still, Harry is really happy and every time he thinks about Niall's hand in his, he gets this weird and tingly feeling on his stomach. It's like a school-girl crush, that's what it feels like.

He anxiously stares at his phone and when the screen finally lights up and shows a new message, he quickly opens it and reads what Niall has answered.

Sounds good Donald ! Where and when?

Harry smiles widely before he thinks about all the different options there are. Time doesn't really matter since he showered, he just needs to change and he is good to go. There is a one small bakery which is always open on Sundays and Harry quickly decides to ask whether Niall knows the place or not.

Two minutes later, Niall informs that he is in fact familiar with the place and they agree on meeting there in thirty minutes. Harry is excited, pulling clothes out from his closet and trying to think what to wear. He knows it's not a date, just two friends going out for breakfast but still, he wants to look nice.

He still remembers when Niall called him his friend and said he cares. Until today, Harry hasn't told Niall that he cares too, but he kind of guesses Niall already knows that. It's kind of obvious, that Harry cares. He is one of those people who suck at hiding their feelings and if he cares for someone, it will show.

He decides to wear his favourite jumper, a light blue one that is a bit too big for him. It's the same jumper he wore when he was watching both Aisling and Theo, the jumper that Aisling crawled underneath to and pretended to be a kangaroo. Harry smiles shortly at the memory, thinking it was one of the happiest days of his life.

He quickly puts on some black skinny jeans and his white Converse, thinking he looks as casual as always but still, pretty good. He doesn't bother doing anything to his hair so he puts on a beanie, making sure not to cover all of his hair.

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