Chapter 8

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//AN: I posted this chapter already once but Wattpad showed nothing but a blank page. I'm now posting this again and if it doesn't show I'll be pissed as f-u-c-k. 

On Saturday morning, Niall feels absolutely awful. His throat hurts and he can barely speak, and he also has a high fever.

He somehow manages to make some breakfast for Aisling and while she is eating, he calls his mother. Unfortunately, she is working and can't come to help Niall so the next option is his dad. Niall silently curses when his father Bobby informs he is not in town but visiting his brother, who lives on the other side of the country.

"Daddy!" Aisling shrieks from the kitchen and Niall sighs, slowly trudging back to the kitchen.

"All done," Aisling informs and points at her plate.

Niall sniffles, collecting her empty plate and putting it into the dishwasher.

"Let's watch some telly," Niall tells Aisling who jumps to the living room.

It's one of those days when unfortunately, Aisling seems to have way too much energy and Niall already knows he can't survive the whole day alone. He needs someone to help out with Aisling but there isn't really anyone left to call.

He sits on the couch, snuggling under a blanket and shivering heavily. He sniffles again and sneezes right after that, causing Aisling to giggle.

Suddenly a thought crosses Niall's mind. Maybe he could call Harry. He knows it's possible that the nanny has plans, after all it's Saturday and maybe Harry wants to be with his friends. He thinks he could still try to call Harry.

He feels his pockets, realising he left his phone on the kitchen counter.

"Aisling love," he croaks.

"Could you go to the kitchen and get daddy's phone from the counter?" He asks and Aisling nods, running to the kitchen and bringing Niall's phone.

"Thank you darling," Niall croaks and tries to smile at his daughter.

"Daddy sick?" Aisling asks with wide eyes.

"Yes, I'm not feeling so well," Niall tells her and she nods, trying to shift closer to Niall.

"Don't come so close darling, I don't want you to get sick too," Niall softly says and she nods.

"I'm going to call Harry and ask if he could come here to play with you," he informs and Aisling immediately lets out an excited shriek.


"Let's see if Hazzy could come," Niall mumbles and dials Harry's number.

"Hi Niall," he hears a happy voice answering on the other end of the line.

"Hi Harry," Niall croaks, his voice breaking a bit.

"Oh you don't sound that good, is everything alright?" Harry sounds worried.

"I'm sick," Niall croaks.

"And you need me to watch Aisling," Harry says and Niall wants to laugh because it's like Harry is reading his mind.

"If that's not too much to ask, only for a few hours. And if you have plans please don't cancel them, I'll figure something out," Niall manages to say without his voice breaking.

"I'm leaving in five," Harry says and right after that, Niall hears 'bye' and a click.

He looks at his phone in disbelief. He simply can't believe it was so easy, Harry didn't seem to mind at all. He shakes his head a little, thinking Harry is just as goofy as always.

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