Chapter 52

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When Harry wakes up on Wednesday morning, the first thought crossing his mind is that today is the day he is bringing some of his things to Niall's house.

Maybe to some people it isn't a big deal but to Harry, it sure is. He has never even had a toothbrush at someone else's place but now, he has his own brush at Niall's. Niall was actually the one who bought the brush, but still.

Harry is beyond excited, knowing it's a step forward in their relationship. He knows they haven't dated for that long yet but since he has known Niall for a while now, he thinks it's safe to say their relationship is strong and in a good place.

He reasons that their friendship helped things to move forward and thinks it's good how they started off as friends, slowly building their trust and friendship. Even though it was hard, Harry thinks that at the end of the day, it was a good thing. Knowing Niall, it wouldn't have worked any other way. Harry knows because he remembers the times he screwed up, getting drunk and trying to seduce Niall. It never worked, only made things worse and those times really showed him that there's no rushing with Niall.

Sometimes, Harry felt like he was alone in it, alone with his feelings. Nowadays things have completely changed and he is happy because now, it's Niall who suggests things, it was Niall telling Harry he should bring some of his clothes and things over. Niall who suggested the holiday. Harry knows he is not alone anymore and Niall wants the same things, and that's what matters the most.

"I'm so cheesy," Harry murmurs to himself as he steps inside the shower, turning the water on and taking a quick morning wash.

He starts dressing up, first pulling on some dark blue skinny jeans, shimmying into them and wondering if they are too tight. He quickly turns around and tries to peek at his bum from the mirror, thinking it looks great in the jeans and deciding to leave them on.

Next he picks a top, letting out a small laugh when he realises the t-shirt isn't his but Niall's. He decides to wear it, wondering why he even has Niall's shirt but reasoning he must have borrowed it and has simply forgotten to return the shirt.

"Today is a good day," Harry murmurs to himself as he grabs a large bag full of his things, quietly going downstairs to make some breakfast.

"Morning," someone suddenly greets him and Harry almost jumps.

"Zayn you scared the shit out of me!" He cries out when he spots his roommate's boyfriend, casually sitting on the kitchen counter, eating some cereal.

"Sorry mate," Zayn grins.

"Why are you up so early?" Harry questions, realising he is still carrying his massive bag and placing it on the floor before starting to make some coffee.

"Couldn't sleep. What's with that bag?"

"Oh I'm taking some things to Niall's. You want coffee?"

"Sure," Zayn answers before realising the first part of Harry's sentence.

"So it's getting serious with you two," he teases Harry a bit, poking his bum with his toe.

"Stop it," Harry immediately groans, trying to slap Zayn's foot away.

"I don't have any of my things here," Zayn continues.

"Does Liam have any at yours?"

"Oh. He does," Zayn realises.

"There you go," Harry sarcastically comments.

"It's not a big deal," he then murmurs, mostly to himself.

"Yes it is mate," Zayn argues.

"It's not."

"Whatever you say," Zayn teases.

"Shut up," Harry mutters, causing Zayn to burst out a laugh.

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