Chapter 14

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"Hi Harry," Niall greets him with a wide smile on his face.

"Morning," Harry yawns as he steps inside.

He didn't get much sleep last night, him and Liam had some quality time together and they stayed up late talking about everything possible. Well, Liam mainly rambled about Zayn while Harry opened up about Niall.

He feels like he needed it, that quality time with his best friend. They don't get to spend that much time together anymore, Liam has his school, job and Zayn so he is simply too usy. Harry thinks it sucks but there's not much he can do.


"Oh yeah sorry," Harry realises he has spaced out and missed everything Niall has said.

"I said my dad is here already," Niall gently says and pats Harry's shoulder.

"Stop thinking so hard Donald."

Harry blushes heavily, trying to calm down before following Niall to the kitchen. He only sees Aisling for a brief second before someone steps in the way and then, pulls Harry into a hug.

"Harry my man." It takes Harry a while to realise it's Bobby and he quickly hugs Niall's father back, smiling when he hears Niall's laugh somewhere in the background.

"So Harry," Bobby says after pulling away from the hug and patting Harry's back.

"What museum should we go?"

"Well I was thinking about the national museum," Harry says as they sit down, Bobby sitting next to him.

"Niall make some coffee. Go on son," Bobby waves his hand at Niall who laughs, shaking his head and thinking his dad is being a bit ridiculous.

"Is it any good, the museum?" Bobby questions and looks at Harry.

"I've been there before so yeah," Harry explains.

"We'll go there then and lunch is at McDonald's, my treat," Bobby decides.

"Oh no that's not acceptable, I mean I can totally -" Harry immediately starts but is being cut off.

"Don't even try," Bobby playfully warns and Harry stiffens, quickly nodding his head and shutting his mouth. He gulps, thinking he can't possibly start protesting now when it's obvious Bobby isn't going to have it.

"Dad you need to teach me how to win Harry in this money-fight," Niall suddenly interrupts the conversation, stepping next to Harry and placing his hand on Harry's shoulder, gently squeezing it.

"Harry here always tries to argue about money," Niall reveals and Harry sighs a bit, feeling ashamed.

"He just need some educating," Bobby jokes and Niall bursts out a laugh.

"I should put him to a dog school," Niall continues the joke and Harry blushes heavily, whimpering and hiding his face under his palms.

"Oh come on Harold it was a joke," Niall chuckles and ruffles Harry's hair.

"Not funny," Harry mumbles.

They have been in the museum for an hour and Harry has been laughing so hard he ended up crying. It's all Bobby, who has been telling jokes and made Harry crack up every five minutes. It's the most fun Harry has had in ages and he keeps wondering why Niall's family seems so nice, and what it would be like to be a part of that family.

Once the thought hits Harry's mind, he mentally slaps himself and thinks it's not acceptable for him to wonder things like that. He isn't a part of the family and won't really be, either. He is just a nanny, nothing less, nothing more.

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