Day 351

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I'm writing this entry early tonight, because I might finally have something worthwhile to send back to Ulfric!

Okay, so I went to Radiant Raiment this morning to discuss some way I could possibly borrow or earn the fancy garments I would need to enter the palace. Initially the two women who own the establishment were incredibly rude. Well, they were actually quite rude the entire time, but we did end up working something out. Once I told them I was turning in a bounty to the steward, they began quietly speaking with each other about something I couldn't make out. Then they made me a deal, but only if I acted immediately, since today was a day the court would hear from the common folk, meaning that the steward, Falk, and the Jarl, Elisif, would both be there. They gave me a set of clothing with the agreement that I would somehow mention to Elisif where I had obtained them.

I was quite hesitant to agree to this, as I would rather not make myself known to the entire court, but the prices they were demanding for their clothing were absolutely outrageous! I really had no choice, I needed the bounty coin.

But it seems it was all worth it.

I tried to be as invisible as possible during the court, waiting until it had ended for the day before speaking with Falk and turning in the bounty. He was incredibly pleased with our work, as it seemed nobody else had been successful or even wanted to take on the bounty until us. I managed to get another job from him, a simple investigation into some strange lights near Dragon Bridge, but it was what I overheard while I was there that really got me excited.

I heard the court wizard speaking with Falk and she really doesn't think much of Elisif. She doesn't seem to have any loyalty to her, saying that the Jarl will be replaced soon enough. That got me curious about what other gossip I could overhear while there, so I hung around, even though the fear of being discovered was very present.

I didn't end up overhearing anything else of value, but I spoke with one of the Thanes (to avoid suspicion) and he casually mentioned that the general is the one who holds the real power in Solitude and that Elisif is just for show. He even said the Thanes are loyal to the general, not Elisif. I'm blown away that such things are so openly shared. I wonder if it's my attire that makes them think I'm just another upper class citizen. Either way, I'm not completely certain that Ulfric doesn't already know this information, but at least it's something I can share to prove myself, at least a little. I'll drop the information at the arranged location tonight some time, or perhaps tomorrow before I leave for my anniversary with Brelyna. I can't believe my luck! I hope the information is good enough for Ulfric.

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