Day 345

19 0 0

Belrand brought me a bounty notice today. There's a bandit stronghold north of here and a bounty has been placed on their leader's head. I was afraid it was too high profile to take on, but my reluctance seemed to raise suspicions in Belrand. In the end, I agreed to head out tomorrow. We spent the day preparing. He's rather excited, but I'm still worried that, if we're successful, this might bring unwanted attention to me, and that's the last thing I want right now.

Ever since I started thinking about proposing to Brelyna, I can't get it out of my head. I'm certain that I want to do it on our anniversary, but without enough coin for a ring or necklace or anything for that matter, I feel like I can't. Maybe this bounty will grant me enough to afford something.

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