Day 144

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I'm in the inn in Winterhold for the night. The college isn't safe. I guess Ancano didn't take kindly to us sneaking away from him. He's doing something to the eye. He...killed the arch-mage. Then a swarm of magical creatures, like balls of freezing energy, attacked Winterhold. All the students and teachers that weren't trying to break through Ancano's ward—that encompassed him and the eye—helped protect the town. It was a long and difficult battle. We had to take turns retreating to the inn—where the rest of the townsfolk had taken refuge—to rest, warm ourselves, and mend our wounds. We prevailed eventually, but there's no way to get through to Ancano to stop him, his ward is too strong. Brelyna and I have been tasked to retrieve the staff, as it might be the only way to break through the ward. All Oblivion has broken loose. I can't believe it.

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