Day 247

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Things have taken a turn for the worse with this case. First, we couldn't get any information about the autopsy, because we hadn't been given any official document stating that we were allowed to learn of the details. We tried to track down Jorlief, but he's left Windhelm and won't return for at least a fortnight.

In the meantime—while we worked on brewing and selling potions, and taking the odd small job here and there—we continued asking the locals about the girl, her family, anyone or anything they've seen that could be suspicious. Not only have we gleaned nothing except for the blatant prejudice the Nords have for the Dunmer, but it's that very prejudice that has caused some trouble for Brelyna. Apparently, the Nords don't like a Dunmer asking those kinds of questions, as though she's "any better than a dirty Dunmer". It's made life far more difficult for her now. I feel terrible for not only what she's going through, but also what the rest of the Dunmer must suffer from here. We've made the decision for her to return to Whiterun for now, but she refuses to leave until I've found a suitable replacement to watch my back. I truly appreciate how much she cares about my safety, but I wish she'd have some confidence that I can take care of myself...

But...she's right. I can't deny that fear in the back of my mind, from what happened in Markarth. I'm going to ask around tomorrow, if there's anyone (aside from Stenvar) who is looking for some guard work. I'm making enough from my potions that I should be able to afford someone, but that means I'll be sending less back home.

I hope Jorlief returns soon. The longer he's away, the more stale this case becomes, and the likelihood of solving it lessens.

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