Day 298

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Today was an excellent day! We found some of the jewelry at the market and I purchased a circlet for Brelyna, an amulet for Lucia, and a ring for Lydia as thanks for everything she's done for Lucia. She initially refused to accept it, until I reminded her how much she had given up for Lucia and me.

Then, while we were heading to the docks, we passed a couple who were looking at the posting for the manor, and they sounded very interested. I greeted them and offered to show them the place, after which they were absolutely sold! They're newlyweds and had heard of the mines reopening here. They want to start a family, but they felt Skyrim was too dangerous right now. We talked for the whole afternoon and got along quite well. We wrapped up the paperwork with Adril just a few hours ago and they're spending their first night at their new home. They invited us to stay with them, but I wanted them to experience their first night alone. We agreed to meet up for breakfast tomorrow morning, before Lydia and I catch a boat back to Skyrim.

I am so incredibly relieved. I should be able to start saving coin again and not worrying so much about whether I'll be able to afford to send anything home for Lucia and Brelyna.

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