Day 257

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We neared Whiterun just in time this afternoon. A dragon and giant were attacking each other, but as we approached, they happened to get too close to the Whiterun tower outside the city. By the time we reached the tower, it was chaos. The guards were loosing arrows and running around like rabbits compared to the two enormous beings. It was a difficult battle, but we ended up taking out both the dragon and giant with no casualties from the guards, only minor injuries.

We were already tired from the journey, and that battle sapped what little we had left. It was nice to just be home and relax for tonight. Lucia wanted to spar with me, but I was too exhausted. Instead, she convinced Lydia to spar with her before it was too dark outside. Brelyna and I watched the two go at it, training swords slamming into shields, and I kid you not, Lydia looked like she was actually trying. After that display, I definitely want to give it a go, but it'll have to wait until morning. If she's able to cause Lydia to sweat, I think she just might take me down.

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