Day 292

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We made it to Windhelm and the soldiers have gone to the healers. They said they'd put in a good word for me to their commander, which is nice. The sooner I can ensure the safety of Whiterun, the sooner I can move on to everything else that needs my attention. Perhaps I can spend more time with Lucia and Brelyna too. I'd like that.

Wuunferth's trial is still pending while they prepare everything. How long does it take to convict a murderer?!

We heard people at the market today talking about some new fancy jewelry being crafted in Solstheim. Apparently it's rather unique. It got me to thinking about buying something for Brelyna, and I figured, since we have the time, we could take a trip to Solstheim. I can take a look at the jewelry and show Lydia my second home there, and I can check in with Adril and see why I haven't received any updates about trying to rent it out.

Thankfully, Lydia seems interested, so we'll head to the docks in the morning and see about getting passage.

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