Day 348

33 0 0

We're inside the bandit's cavern. We found a small cave that nobody seems to have used, so we've been safe so far. We've been stuck here since we snuck in late last night, and we've been unable to move because of how many people are up at all hours. We didn't bring enough food for something like this. Belrand has already apologized several times for letting his eagerness blind his common sense. We had a few close calls when we initially snuck in, but the longer we're trapped in here, the more apprehensive we become. All we can do is sleep in alternating shifts, but this tiny cave is hardly comfortable. And it smells absolutely rank.

It's been quiet for some time. I think most of them are asleep. I'm going to wake Belrand now and we'll decide whether we're escaping or continuing with our plan.

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