Day 109

18 0 0


Bad news. Tuition came up and it was more than I was expecting. I'm completely out of money now. I can't write to Lydia and ask for her to send any, because there was already so little at home. I assured her I would send more home, but how?

I've spoken with a couple of the teachers, who spoke to the arch-mage on my behalf, and they said that I might be entitled to a small refund, for all I have contributed to the college. That might be enough to purchase the class materials I'll need, or at least I can hope. The alchemy teacher told me that the quality of my potions are good enough to make some coin off that. They even suggested I might make a living off alchemy, but I can't just set up a store or any such nonsense, I have more important matters to tend to.

I feel like I'm losing everything I've worked so hard for. What did I do wrong?

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