Day 35

26 0 0

Wow, I had no idea how angry I had made Priscilla. She showed up at our D.A.D. training today, with her small dragon defence group, and challenged us to a group duel. Judging by the surprised look on her group's faces, I'm guessing that wasn't their original plan, especially as our group outnumbered them twice over. Of course we refused, but she wouldn't drop it. Even her friends tried to reason with her, and I suppose that's what ignited her fury. She just started launching fireballs at us. Thankfully, with our training, we were quick to erect our wards and avoided the attacks. Her group quickly joined her, but our team was already implementing the practiced battle plan that I shouted out. In a matter of minutes, they were surrounded by runes and had no real option but to surrender.

After we disabled the runes, she stormed off, her group in tow, all except for a few who apologized and asked if they could join us. Apparently, they really believed Priscilla when she had said that our group was incapable of protecting against a dragon's attack, but after seeing us in action, they realized how wrong she had been.

Thankfully, nobody had been hurt, and the D.A.D. group grew today, so I call that a win.

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