Day 131

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I was sitting down to write home when Brelyna burst into my room to tell me the arch-mage had returned. He confirmed my suspicions; the storm is not natural. He had to use immense magical energy to resist it and return to the college.

I told him about the Augur, Ancano, and the staff. If it wasn't for the storm or the fact that he had received a false summons, I don't think he would have believed me. He didn't know anything about the staff, but Mirabelle, who was next to us, said that a representative from Synod (a mage guild from Cyrodil) had come to the college some time ago looking specifically for the staff of Magnus. All she knew was that they were headed to some ruins south of Windhelm.

Anyway, with Ancano acting so strange lately (being elusive and disappearing for hours at a time) the arch-mage didn't want to send any of the teachers to fetch the staff, as he felt he needed their expertise here, in case Ancano does anything. He said he also couldn't trust any other student for such a task. I mean, I had a feeling he'd send me. I've heard the kind of errands the other students had been sent on. Clearly the teachers trust me for some reason, at least enough to be given tasks somewhat more important than my peers.

Well, I guess that's it then. Brelyna and I need to find a way to sneak out of the college without Ancano knowing. If he is the one causing this blizzard, as the arch-mage also suspects, then our best chance is to leave in secret and hope he doesn't amplify the storm like before.

I need to prepare myself for travel now, but secretly. No others can know.

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