Day 143

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We've been in Windhelm for the past couple days. Not by choice, really. We exhausted our supplies and lacked the septims to restock once we reached here. Thankfully, we had enough ingredients on hand that I was able to craft a couple potions and sell them at the market. It was enough to get us some food for the rest of the trip. I really hope nothing bad has happened at the college. I can't stop thinking about Ancano and what the Augur meant by Ancano using the orb's power.

We're leaving at first light, but I should write home while I have the chance.

Dear Lucia and Lydia,

I haven't been at the college to receive your latest letter, but I wanted to let you know I am well. We've just been so busy these past weeks. I've begun selling potions here and there. I think it might be a way to generate income, instead of me having to leave home for so long. We will see. Can't wait to come home and see you again.

Lydia, this is private. There is something going on at the college. Remember the Thalmor I told you about? I think he's going to try something soon, if he hasn't already. I've been summoned back to the college immediately. I'm sorry, but I just can't send any septims right now. If you are in dire need, speak to the Companions, show them this letter and my seal, and ask them to lend you what you need. I will pay them back when I return, along with extra for the inconvenience. I am truly sorry.

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