Day 190

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Meeting with the teachers went well today. They've agreed to come to my aid, if needed. I also signed for Brelyna's graduation. There was a pile of paperwork that I was meant to go through, but I told them I couldn't at the moment. I was able to delegate some of that work to Urag, plus I signed a decree that allows the teachers to sign off for a student's graduation, so long as they all agree that the student has earned it. It's just as I had suspected; they just want me to have the arch-mage title to avoid the mess that will come my way. Over half of the paperwork I was meant to work through were angry letters from citizens, and even some Jarls. Urag refuses to address those, so I've taken them with me. I'll answer them when I have time. For now, we must return to Whiterun as soon as possible. Once my affairs are in order, then it'll be time to speak to Ulfric.

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