Day 306

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Well the meeting with Ulfric didn't go as planned. He wanted to know why I should be considered more valuable than any other new recruit. I started spouting off my accomplishments, but he cut me off, saying that any recruit could make up stories about their impressive feats. I tried to defend myself, but he wanted to know what I offered that no other recruit could. I told him I was the Harbinger of the Companions (I neglected to mention that title really didn't carry much actual pull among the Companions) and I told him I was Arch-mage of the College of Winterhold (which I also neglected to mention was mostly an empty title). He wasn't too keen on the College, but understood that having those two organizations at my command was quite valuable. I also demonstrated several of my Thu'ums and explained that I'm on a path to master even more. I boasted about my Thu'um to control dragons, but left out how it isn't always reliable.

Overall, he was quite impressed, but he said my failure in the serial murder case left him wondering how capable I truly was. Also, he doesn't know if I'm an Imperial spy or not. In the end, he wants me to prove myself, so I'm stuck with the latest batch of recruits. The next couple of days will be orientations and basic training, then we're going on a training mission with Galmar, the second-in-command. We're to seek out some special crown that should legitimize Ulfric's claim to be High King.

Lydia didn't join, which I knew she wouldn't, so she might head home for now.

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