Day 120

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It's too convenient, the blizzard. Can Ancano really control the weather like that? How powerful is he?

No, it can't be him. The Augur? No, why would it trap me at the college?

This makes no sense. What is happening?!

Okay, so I finally managed to find the Augur, and that was...confusing in itself. It wasn't a person at all, at least not anymore. It was a...light or something. I can't explain it. But when it spoke, it was like the voice was everywhere, yet...absent? I don't know, I can't describe it.

Anyway, the being told me that events had been set in motion by my hand, events that could destroy the college or worse, and that Ancano is seeking to control the orb, to use its immense power. It said that the only way to stop the "Eye of Magnus" is with the "Staff of Magnus".

I knew I couldn't trust Ancano, that's been clear from day one. I tried to alert the arch-mage about what the Augur told me, but I found out that he had left the college for some sort of important matter and it was unknown when he would return. I felt that this was all too important to wait for his return, so I prepared to leave, but I opened the door to this powerful blizzard. I've nearly died to the blizzards up here far too many times to brave it, but I don't even understand how it came to be. I had been outside no more than an hour prior and the skies were practically clear for as far as the eye could see. It just doesn't make sense. Is this all Ancano's doing? Did he orchestrate the arch-mage's absence and then call in this blizzard, all so he could take control of the orb? Is he really that powerful?

I guess I have no choice but to wait now.

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