Day 310

25 0 0

We're staying at the Nightgate Inn tonight. It's loud with all these recruits. There aren't enough rooms, so we have to share. They held various competitions to determine who gets the beds and who sleeps on the floor, but I quietly volunteered for the floor. I hear them talking about me, though. Perhaps my attempts at being invisible are actually drawing attention to me.

This isn't what I signed up for, though I'm not sure why I expected it to be any different. I thought I would simply pledge myself to Ulfric and it would ensure the immunity of Whiterun.

Enough complaining. I'm doing this for Lucia and Brelyna. I'm doing this for all the other innocent people in Whiterun, those who don't want to get involved in the war. If my actions can bring them safety, then it'll all be worth it.

Sounds like the others are being ordered to rest. We head for the ruins at first light.

Skyrim Journals: Lopiken [Year 3]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt