Day 273

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I was a fool to let my fear rule me. Adelaisa returned last night with a couple weak leads that we followed up on today, but they lead nowhere. I reluctantly spoke to Jorleif about the blood trail leading to that home, and all this time it was the victim's home! I should've asked sooner, but that damned fear held me tight in its grip.

Anyway, he told me we had to speak to the woman's parents to gain entry, which we did. It was emotionally draining for everyone. The woman's mother seemed still in shock. She barely spoke, hardly responding to any of our questions. During the interview, the woman's sister arrived and we questioned her as well. In the end, they didn't provide any information we hadn't already gathered, but we were given the key to the woman's home.

I had wanted to inspect the home right then, but Adelaisa made a good point that it was late and we were both tired, and we needed to be sharp to conduct a thorough inspection. We'll go first thing tomorrow morning.

I just hope it hasn't been too long. I'm so angry I left that blood trail lead for so long. What if we lost valuable leads or evidence because of my fear? I was just so afraid of discovering another rich family behind it all, corrupting the city and turning the entire place against me. I shouldn't be afraid to do the right thing, especially when people are suffering.

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