Day 258

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I knew Lydia hadn't been holding back last night! Lucia and I sparred after breakfast, and as hard as I tried, I could not get past her defences. I was able to block her advances decently well, but my attacks were pathetic. She knocked away my sword more times than I managed to strike her shield. And to top it all off, after a rather hard blow to my sword-hand, she used a healing spell and took down the swelling in the span of a few breaths. I remember how long it took me to learn how to properly cast healing spells on a body that wasn't my own. Lydia suspects she's been sneaking away to the healers to learn from them. As much as Lydia has tried to get Lucia to slow down, that girl's resolve to learn is beyond our control. It's clear, now, that she fully intends to follow my path and become an adventurer of sorts. I need to have a very difficult talk with her tomorrow. I didn't want to ruin a good day today.

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