Day 275

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We might have a real solid lead and a possible suspect! We reported our findings so far to Jorleif, and asked about the flyers. He told us Viola's been pretty vocal about these murders being carried out by a serial killer, but that's all he knew. We stopped by her house, but she was out, so we went to Calixto's oddities store first. He told us the amulet was some ceremonial piece that belongs to Wuunferth, the court mage! Adelaisa and I agreed that was suspicious, but we needed more evidence.

We happened to bump into Viola at the market a few hours later and had quite the lengthy discussion. We returned to her home and exchanged notes on the case. Before I even revealed the amulet we had found, she mentioned that she has suspected Wuunferth for quite some time, because he's known for dabbling in Necromancy. When I showed her the amulet and told her that it belongs to Wuunferth, she jumped from her chair, convinced we had finally found the murderer. She was ready to order Jorleif to apprehend Wuunferth, but I managed to calm her down and explain that our case was still too weak, that if we reveal that we have the amulet and that he's a suspect without adequate evidence, it'll only give him a chance to flee. She agreed to let us investigate further before raising our suspicions to Jorleif.

Adelaisa spent the evening following up with a few citizens, trying to discretely find a connection between Wuunferth and the victim, while I spent the time inspecting the home again. I want to make sure we didn't miss anything, but I found nothing. There's a strange smell in there, and I can't find the source, which just bothers me. I must be missing something.

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