Day 45

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Well, we've managed to find ourselves in a situation. We were passing a castle and were attacked by bandits held up there. We escaped after a scuffle, but then a man appeared down the road and begged us for help. We found out that the castle is actually his. He had been in the war and came back for leave to find that these bandits had taken the castle and even have his family as captives. He's run out of septims hiring mercenaries to try and take the place back, and now he's alone. He's written to the Jarls, but the ones that have responded have been unable to spare the soldiers.

Brelyna and I said we would help, but Priscilla was being...well, she was being herself and said it wasn't any problem of hers, that our "mission" was more important. We told her she can continue on without us, and that really changed her attitude. She reluctantly agreed to help, but since we lack the numbers, we need to take it back some other way. The man said there's a secret escape tunnel that could take us inside, so maybe we can find the leader and force him to order his men out or something. We'll brainstorm some ideas before we head in tonight.

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