Day 276

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I KNEW IT! It took us all day and nearly all night, but we found the source of that smell! There was a wardrobe that had been nailed in place, hiding another room. Once we figured out how to open the false back, we found exactly what we needed, in all its disgusting glory.

It was a Necromancer's laboratory. There were body parts in some sort of preserving liquid (the smell!) and a ritualistic altar humming with an unfamiliar magic. We also found the murderer's journal, which details their plans and the killings of each victim. The way they speak about choosing their victims like it's a's sickening.

The journal mentions how they spent time in the College of Winterhold, which I could follow up on, but Adelaisa and I feel we have enough evidence to accuse Wuunferth. We're going to rest for a couple hours until morning and then speak with Jorleif.

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