Day 196

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Today was a difficult day. We came across another recent skirmish between the Imperials and Stormcloaks. I guess the fighting moved elsewhere and they hadn't come back to deal with the bodies yet. There was a scavenger working through the bodies, and they attacked us, thinking we were coming to steal from the dead as well. It was pretty easy to scare him off, but he dropped his coin pouch in the scuffle. When I fetched it, it actually held a decent amount. I'm not proud of this, but when Brelyna wasn't looking, I searched a couple of the bodies and took their coin. It feels dirty and heavy. I hate being this desperate. And I hate this war.

On a lighter note, since we don't have to focus so much on magic training anymore, Brelyna's asked me to teach her some swordplay. We spend a couple hours training tonight, before lying down at our small camp. I'm definitely not the right person to be training her, but I'm trying, and it was fun.

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