Day 262

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I am done! None of us slept last night. When Lydia returned without Lucia, we panicked. We spent the whole night scouring the city. Eventually, just as the stars were fading into the morning sky, Lydia found her...outside the walls! I was furious. I screamed at her, she screamed at me. She threw a punch at me, which I wasn't expecting, and left me with a cut lip. I don't know what came over me, but I went into a rage. I commanded one of the most powerful Thu'ums I know, infusing myself with the essence of a dragon. My voice boomed and woke half the district. Lydia's hand immediately gripped the hilt of her sword. Brelyna looked worried. But it was the shock and fear in Lucia's eyes that brought me back to reality. I marched home, grabbed my sword, and left the city. I spent the day hacking at logs with the sword, burning boulders with my magic, and shouting Thu'ums into the sky. I was just so angry!

But I've had enough of this. She's ungrateful and beyond my control. I'm leaving for Windhelm tomorrow.

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