Day 154

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We're on our way back to the college. We got the staff, but we're terribly exhausted from all the traveling and fighting. We managed to find a section of the labyrinth that I missed last time. As we traversed the ruins, we saw echoes of the past, spirits of several students from the college. One of the students was the arch-mage, Savos! They had traveled there to find some sort of powerful artifact, obviously the staff. Does that mean he lied to me when he didn't know anything about the staff? With how the past echoes played out, I could see him not wanting anyone else to know what happened down there.

As they progressed through the ruins, they began to die, one by one. Savos kept pushing them forward, desperate for the power within. And then, when they found the source of the power, it wasn't just the staff, but Magnus himself! I guess his power back then was much greater than now, because Savos fled, leaving the remaining two other students to use all their power to contain the being.

When we arrived, we followed in their footsteps, fighting our way deeper and deeper. We slew a skeletal dragon that would simply reassemble itself after we defeated it, refusing to remain dead. Then, when we freed the spirits of the students the arch-mage had abandoned, they attacked us, their minds warped from so many decades, perhaps even centuries, of keeping Magnus trapped. Once they were defeated, we killed Magnus. It wasn't easy, not at all, but we have the staff now. We just need to make it back to the college as quickly as our fatigued bodies can manage, before it's too late.

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