Day 124

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I am in the infirmary. Brelyna is here with me and I feel terrible for that. I told her all about what the Augur had said, about Ancano and the orb, and she insisted she come with me. I thought that, with the two of us, it would be worth braving the blizzard.

I was wrong.

The farther we pushed away from the college, the more extreme the winds became. We somehow lost our bearings and quickly found ourselves completely lost. We couldn't find any shelter, and the temperature was impossibly frigid. We knew we were in trouble when the stinging in our arms and legs stopped.

By the time we found the college again, and made it indoors, we had frostbite on most of our hands, feet, noses, and cheeks. Colette has been treating us since we returned, and this is the first day I've been able to hold a quill.

I am such a fool.

And Ancano has been acting strange ever since we returned.

I'm afraid.

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