Day 134

15 0 0

We made it! We snuck out in the dead of night, and the blizzard was far less intense. Even stranger was how quickly it dissipated after we passed Winterhold. I am even more certain, now, that it is Ancano's doing. He's up to something, and he likely doesn't want anyone to get in his way.

Anyway, when we arrived at Windhelm, it was under attack by an incredibly powerful dragon. I tried my thu'um, but all it did was temporarily confuse the beast. I need more practice, that's for sure. If I had been able to control it, it wouldn't have killed all those guards and injured dozens of others. In the end, we killed it, but now there are rumours spreading throughout the inn (and who knows where else) that the dragonborn is jealous or afraid of Ulfric and sending dragons to attack the city. I want to defend myself, but I worry what would happen if they knew it was me.

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