Day 240

23 0 0

We talked with Jorlief and shared what we've learned about the murder. I explained our past experience with investigating a murder, but I don't think it was necessary. I think he's just relieved anyone is willing to help. We're now properly sanctioned to carry on with the investigation.

Brelyna has decided to follow up with her friend, and see where that connection can lead. Since they're still examining the body, I went back to the crime scene and had a closer look. I actually managed to find a slight blood trail leading away from the scene. Either it was the girl's blood or the attacker was injured. It was difficult to follow, but it led into the wealthy district. The last few drops I could find were outside the door to one of the homes, but I'll need more evidence before I decide to pursue that lead any further. I know what happens when you dig too deep into the rich...

I'll wait for the autopsy for now.

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