Day 290

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We're having no luck this trip. I suppose the wounded Stormcloaks made us look like a good mark for a small group of bandits, but once we killed their chief, the rest fled. Lydia has been complaining that she's out of practice. It's been so long since we last traveled together, I really had no idea how much I've improved since I first met her. Back then, I was just so terrified of everything. I was practically useless, even with my bow. Now I'm wielding magic and Thu'ums and even holding my ground with a sword and shield. I don't think Lydia is any less a warrior than from when we last fought together, but perhaps she's comparing herself to me. I have no doubt that she remembers just how terrible I once was, and to have me not having to rely on her as much (I still need her, that's for sure) perhaps it's casting doubt in her own abilities.

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