Day 320

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Tonight is the first night that I am back at the inn. My frostbite is all healed as well as my abdomen. The healers were quite surprised at my swift recovery. I'm sure they suspect something, but I was careful to heal myself only when I was certain I was alone.

Ralof finally had time to sit down with me and catch up this evening. I had to tell him about my Dragonborn blood and why it needed to be kept a secret. He understands. I guess I was lucky that he was the only one who saw what happened with the dragon. It was nice catching up with him, and it was really nice having someone to talk to. We discussed the murder case, and he tried putting my mind at ease, saying that all we can hope to do is not to achieve perfection, but to simply do our best. I need to hear that sometimes.

I tried to speak with Ulfric but he was "indisposed". I spoke with Galmar, though, and he had already spoken to Ulfric about me. They're considering promoting me to an archery trainer, as I had proven rather skilled with the bow during the mission. I was about to object, when he said that it's only an idea at the moment and that I still need to prove myself. For now, it's back to drills until the next mission.

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