Day 230

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We made it to Whiterun and surprised Lucia. She could barely sit still all night, and her excitement was contagious. It was a great night. Lucia demonstrated her healing spell, and I can't believe how far she's come already. She wants, so desperately, to learn more. After we all retired to bed, Brelyna and I talked about the prospect of her teaching Lucia, if she were to stay here while I was in Windhelm. She was quite interested in the idea, but she still wants to return to Windhelm for some time first.

Lucia is also progressing surprisingly well with the sword. Lydia says they spar nearly every day, and she's even started practicing with a bow. Lydia says that Lucia is aspiring to follow in my path, but the thought of her being in the many dangerous situations I've been in terrifies me greatly. I'm happy that she's found something she's passionate about, but I really need to talk to her about it all, try to make her understand that it's not all it's made out to be. It was cute when she was younger, but she's fourteen years old now. She's growing stronger, and I worry that she might just sneak off for some "adventuring" one of these days.

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