Day 136

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What a long day it has been. I'm taking first watch while Brelyna sleeps. Not only is it dangerous to sleep inside Dwemer ruins, but neither of us trust that Synod researcher.

When we arrived at the ruins, we found bodies of these researchers everywhere. They clearly didn't expect this place to be crawling with Falmer and old Dwemer constructs. You'd think that they'd have done more research on Skyrim ruins before traveling here, then they'd have known to bring some hired protection. Thankfully, Brelyna and I didn't suffer any injuries we couldn't heal with our magic. And we now know where the staff of Magnus is...we hope.

The last surviving Synod researcher was held up in some large room with an enormous Dwemer contraption. We were able to get it operating again (what a sight!) and it honed in on powerful magical artifacts. Unfortunately, the orb at the college was emitting so much power it was interfering with the contraption. The researcher knew that we had something incredibly powerful at the school, but I refused to tell him anything. Apparently, the Synod travel across all of Tamriel to gather the most powerful magical items for use by the Empire. He said he would alert the council in Cyrodil and that they'd be back for whatever it is we have, so now I have the Synod to worry about. No single entity should hold ultimate power like that.

The silver lining is that the researcher accidentally let slip where the staff might be, which is somewhere in the labyrinth that I had passed through before. Whiterun is along the way there, so we'll stop off for—

The Psijic man just appeared before me again, holding time still. He said I have to return to the college immediately, that something is happening. So much for searching for the staff or going home. I suppose I should wake Brelyna and leave.

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