Day 178

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I've been wanting to write to Brelyna, but I don't know what to say, and I don't know if it would come across as too desperate or anything. Thankfully, after a meeting with the Companions today, I don't have to worry about that right now.

I hadn't been looking forward to meeting with them, since my title of Harbinger would likely come up, and it's really difficult for me to ask for help with the loan. Well, the discussion went a lot better than I had been anticipating. First off, they've decided to keep me on as Harbinger, since it's only a title, and they couldn't agree on anyone that would be suitable to replace me anyway. Secondly, once they learned that I had been named arch-mage of the college, they were more than willing to lend me some septims, since they could use my title as a recruitment tool for many of the mage mercenaries who were less reluctant to sign on before. I'm incredibly relieved that the meeting went so well.

Before I left, we got back on the topic of my position at the college. They wondered if I would be able to enlist the aid of the college itself, if Whiterun were to ever come under attack. I'm not completely certain, but I feel like I could negotiate their support, at least in the case of an attack by the Imperials. First off, they despise the Thalmor, thanks to Ancano, but it would also help with their standing with the local Nords, except for those loyal to the Empire, of course. However, if Ulfric were to attack, I doubt they would come to our aid. But I can't see Ulfric attacking, not once I agree to join him. He would have the Companions and their extensive mercenaries, plus the college and its powerful mages, not to mention the Dragonborn himself, though with the rumours that were spreading during that recent visit...

Anyway, the best news of all is that I have a reason to return to the college! I'm leaving in less than a fortnight, once I have everything settled here at home. I'm hoping I can use some of that loan to purchase some ingredients, and then spend a few days crafting and selling potions. If I can earn enough, I could possibly repay the loan a lot sooner.

Well, I better get to sleep. The sooner I can sort everything here, the sooner I can see Brelyna!

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